
What is Study Buddy ?
Study Buddy is a task management tool for students who wish to organise their tasks more efficiently.
With the help of Study Buddy, students can easily view and manage their module related tasks.
Sort, filter and search commands are also provided to make the interaction more useful.
It also provides services to show the statistics for time, grades breakdown and workload comparison between different modules in Pie charts. This visualisation of data helps students become more aware of their Pending work and which tasks to spend more time on.
Who can benefit most from Study Buddy?
It is designed for students who can type fast and are comfortable with
Command-Line Interface(CLI)
What is CLI?
CLI is a command line program that accepts text input to execute operating system functions.
Compare with graphical user interfaces(GUI), CLI performs interaction with user by keyboard input instead of mouse clicking, such as command window.
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Some parts of this application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
AddressBook-Level3 project created by SE-EDU initiative at